I purchased Intramax at evitalhealth.com

Kaprex provides a safer option for effective joint relief. This proprietary combination of selected plant components influences kinase signaling and the formation of certain substances that are associated with minor pain. Clinical testing suggests that Kaprex may offer a high degree of predicted cardiovascular, gastric, renal, and liver safety.


*   Provides effective joint relief that is worry-free.

* Modulates prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) production at specific target cells.

*Features SKRMs in the form of THIAA to modulate kinase activity in favor of good health.

*The ingredient synergy of Tetrase™, oleanolic acid, and rosemary provide efficacy at a low dose for a maximum cost-effectiveness.

*Developed through the ExpresSyn™ Process, which combines cell proteomic research, safety evaluations, human ex vivo research, and clinical testing for maximum safety and effectiveness.

Kaprex works through a safer, "upstream" mechanism. It reduces the excessive formation of the PGE2-producing enzymes, rather than inhibiting their activity. It does this at the gene level. It appears to actually reduce the message to the genes to manufacture the enzyme! This makes all the difference in production of gastrointestinal injury. The net effect is that Kaprex is active in joint tissues without affecting the gastrointestinal tract. Kaprex has been tested in a model cell system to assess its potential for negative impact on the gastrointestinal lining. It was found to be very safe.